
This page links to my page on my blog Bella Baita View, which lists all the recipes I have written about and shared over the years. You will find stories that I have written along with the recipes, but it is possible to just print the recipe that you are looking for. Most all are Italian recipes with most of them from northern Italy, mainly Piedmont. I have a few personal ones that have slipped in when I wanted to share some from American family favorites.

Agretti Spaghetti

Lemon Verbena Panna Cotta

All recipes are copyrighted as the sole property of Marla Gulley Roncaglia in association with T.E.M. association.

All of our culinary and educational offerings are brought to you through our eco-sustainable tourism association (T.E.M.) in order to offer you the opportunity to sample local cuisine and wines of Piedmont as well as helping to make a positive impact in our valley. Turistic Ecosostenibile Montano (T.E.M.)